George Harbaugh - George Purchased his first property in Frederick County from Casper Smith. They finalized the sale on August 19, 1756. The Deed records George as George Harbock. The land was 29 acres of a tract of land called Mount Olivet. The first corner marker for the property was noted as a Market Maypole. One witness to the sale of the property was Thomas Creasap. George would later obtain more land from Casper Smith. Finalized in court on June 5, 1758 Casper sold to George 151 acres. This was sold from his resurvey of Mount Olivet, Sweedland, Two dogs Tract.
Jacob Harbaugh - Jacob purchased his first known property in Frederick County from Samuel Grabill on Nov 17, 1764. Samuel owned a portion of the resurvey of Mount Olivet, Sweedland, Two Dog Tract. Jacob purchased 141 acres of this land.
January 25, 1765. 3 more acres of Mount Olivet from Samuel Grabill.
August 30, 1769. From Ulrick Kepler, a Tract called Bells Hill, containing 93 acres, part of the resurvey of Late Ridge. Ulrick had purchased the property from Jacob Matthias. Bordered Tract called Arnolds Delight.
John Harbaugh - John Harbaugh, a blacksmith from Pennsylvania purchased a portion, 190 acres, of Mount Olivert, Sweedland, Tied Dog in November of 1762.